3 Vital Aspects of Wine Room Construction

When you want to build a wine cellar, you must be aware of the basic aspects you will need before you start. Even if you are contacting the best wine cellar builder you know, you must need to know the aspects yourself to be on the same page. 

Let’s discuss the three basic steps of wine room construction below:

Choosing the Location:

The first thing that you must decide is whether you can put a wine cellar inside your house. Whether you can build a cellar or not depends on the space availability. The location you choose for the cellar will not only have to accommodate your present wine collection but also will have a future impact on your maintenance cost. So, the wine cellar should be placed at the coolest and the most humid place in your house. A perfect wine storage design requires 55°-58° F temperature and 55-75% humidity. The closer you are to these requirements the better. If you need only a small cooling unit, it will significantly reduce the cost of building a wine cellar.

Cooling Unit

A self-contained cooling unit will be the best choice for a wine cellar. You need to create a hole in the room for this. Make sure that the hole is of adequate size for the cooling unit. You need to install electrical wiring and outlets near that hole. Some cooling units require installing a drainage system. This should also be taken care of. While the cooling unit is adequate for the temperature adjustment, it does not add humidity to the cellar. So, an electrical outlet of 110V should be installed for the humidifier.


Lighting inside the wine cellar is a very important aspect. You cannot use any light to brighten up the cellar. For spiral cellars, many utilize can lighting. Some also prefer using thermally fused can lights. These are known as IC rated cans. UV lights should not be used inside a wine cellar because those pass on harmful effects on your long-term storage. There is no scientific reference about this, though, but it is best to steer clear of UV rays.

There are many other aspects of wine room construction. Protecting the room from vapor is most important because vapor will result in the wines to age faster. The temperature and humidity must be maintained properly. You should not allow any infringements in these physical conditions to maintain the quality of your wine.

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